Skin Surgery
Cosmetic Procedures & Excisions

Excisions & Removals
Dr. Tull specializes in the surgical removal of abnormal lesions. All procedures are performed safely in our office under local anesthesia.
Examples of these procedures include the removal of:
- Melanomas
- Abnormal moles
- Cysts
- Lipomas

Aesthetic Surgery
Dr. Tull performs aesthetic surgery right in the office as determined by your personal consultation to be the most appropriate treatment to achieve the desired results. The aesthetic surgery procedures can be performed safely and effectively without general anesthesia. A surgery consultation with Dr. Tull and her cosmetic surgery team prior to scheduling any of these procedures is required.
Have any questions about your visit?
It’s very important to us that our patients are comfortable and informed about their procedures. We are always happy to answer any questions about your upcoming procedure.